Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Yearly Post! AND a sale at a famous friend's house!

Well, it has been nearly a year since we posted on this blog- So sorry guys- between acting as the Creative Director on REstyleSOURCE, fitting in design jobs here and there and keeping up with the store and family- I just haven't been good about making it a priority to keep up this blog. Dan has been doing a great job playing Head -shopkeeper... but facebook and blogging just isn't his thing.

Back when we started our shop (15 years ago), we didn't have facebook, pinterest or blogs or my new favorite... instagram... We just had our little shop and that kept us plenty busy back then! Now, it is almost a full time job just to keep up on all things social! (I have been so busy working at promoting REstyleSOURCE and all of the amazing partners we have that I haven't had much time to work on our own business!)  I promise to do a better job at keeping things up and will have at least ONE weekly post here on the good ole' blog. Getting ready for two photo shoots and two great design meetings, so we are sure we will have something noteworthy to report come next week.  Please be sure to follow us on Instagram at (found___) on Facebook and of course REstyleSOURCE.  

BIG news for this weekend... we will be setting up a pop up "SALE" at our good friend Dorie's.
You know, from the famous Tuesdays with Dorie?  So be sure to make it out this weekend bright and early to check out all the deals.

Christmas: Still fluffing and putting out more holiday each week. So be sure to come in and see us and get in the Christmas spirit!  There is NOTHING like getting out and shopping in a real store to get in the mood for the holidays! So forget shopping on line and actually come in and talk to a real person! Ya, that's right! REAL people!

Hope to see you soon- and be sure to keep me honest by checking in here from time to time!
